Exploring the rich multicultural history of Devon.


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19th March 2021

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Exeter Community Stories, Exeter Timeline

Oral history has been a large part of the Telling Our Stories project. Sharing and recording Exeter’s local histories has helped to presereve the personal stories of individuals from dicers communities that have helped to shape Exeter today.

Volunteers interviewed more than 30 local people about their experience of coming to and living in Exeter. Each interview was around an hour long. Taken together, the interviews give a fascinating insight into Exeter’s changing population.

We will be loading the interviews in stages – check our facebook page for updates and follow us on Soundcloud for more extracts.

Hear extracts from the interviews and read the transcripts by clicking on the buttons on the left. The full interviews will be stored at the Devon Heritage Centre at Great Moor House.

Viv Horton listened to all of the interviews and pulled out the recurring themes.