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Exploring the rich multicultural history of Devon.

Emily Linh Hamilton

Posted on

20th December 2020

Posted by

Chelsea Vincent

Posted in

Bideford Community Stories

Emily is Vietnamese. She met her husband in Vietnam whilst running a successful beauty business. They have been married for 16 years and have a son. The couple moved to Holsworthy as her husband wanted to look after his mother. Coming from a city to a small village scared Emily – she recalls seeing only sheep and cows when she arrived! Emily says she loves the contrast between living in a big city and living in a rural area. Family links are very important. Her mother calls her for a chat most evenings.

“I come from a different country. It definitely is a very different culture, a different life. And I was scared. I was scared when first I came, but all I can say is where I live now, I feel very lucky. The people around me are nice and kind and friendly … I hope whoever wants to come to a different country or area in the country and feels worried and scared of many things – do not [worry]. You don’t need  to – if you don’t try, you don’t know.”


Click Emily’s image to read the transcript of her interview:  

Emily Hamilton

Image by Dom Moore Photography









[Please note, the language in Emily’s transcript has been lightly edited for reading purposes]

Click the logo below to read a summary of the interview: