Hello superstar story-finders. Are you ready to be an explorer of family history, a discoverer of untold tales?
Here’s the first of our Family Challenges.
Family Photo Challenge
- Dig out some old photos from when your Mum / Dad / Aunty / Grandparents first moved to their house or town.
- Look at the photo: What can you see? What can’t you see? What’s the same as now? What’s different to now?
- Ask them questions about something you noticed or are curious about in the photo.
For example:
“This looks like the high street but there’s no One Stop and the Library isn’t where it is now. When did that change?”
“I noticed a bike. Who gave you the bike? When did you learn to ride it?”
“I never visited this house. Where was it? When did you live there? What was it like?”
4. Find a way to record their answers.
For example, you could:
- Record them on your phone
- Write down what they say
6. Share a photo or a video of your challenge with us, by posting on our Facebook page @tellingourstoriesdevon or emailing it to us at dde@globalcentredevon.org.uk.