by Chelsea Vincent | 1st May, 1809 | Okehampton Timeline
During the Napoleonic Wars, Okehampton was a parole town, housing Prisoners of War. During the Napoleonic Wars, between May 1809 and February 1812, 336 prisoners were sent to Okehampton. This included 162 French Navy, 131 Army, 31 ships’ passengers, 3 ships’ boys, 6...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st January, 1440 | Okehampton Timeline
Early evidence suggests that Normans and Irish were living and working in the town. As early as 1440, 1 Irish and 6 Norman men are recorded as living in the town. Around the same time, in 1447, All Saints Church in Okehampton was also rebuilt. It is difficult to...
by Chelsea Vincent | 1st January, 0980 | Okehampton Timeline
Okehampton began as an Anglo Saxon settlement. The name Okehampton had evolved by the 10th century and derives from the town’s river ‘Okement’. The first record of the town in 980AD states that slaves were freed at the crossroads, suggesting that Okehampton was a...
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