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Mrs Hendy of Wonford

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18th December 1944

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Exeter Community Stories, Exeter Timeline

Mrs Hendy lived in Exeter for over 60 years, 52 of them in the same house in Wonford.

She was born in Cornwall in 1917: her mother was a local White woman, and her father was a Black sea captain, probably from Jamaica.

Councillor Olwen Foggin interviewed Mrs Hendy in 2000 for an exhibition on the history of Wonford. Her transcript provides the majority of Mrs Hendy’s story

Ghee Bowman and Crystal Carter interviewed her daughter, Sue Evens as part of the project and those are below.

All the photos of Mrs Hendy on this site are from Sue Evens’ collection.

Sue Evens was born in Exeter in 1950, and has lived here ever since. Her mother was Mrs Hendy (pictured right), who came from the first black family in Cornwall. Read more about Mrs Hendy’s fascinating story.

Mr and Mrs Hendy met at the end of the war – Mr Hendy was a widower with a large family from his previous wife. Have a look at their family photo album. 

Ghee Bowman and Crystal Carter interviewed Sue at her house on 13th March 2013. Listen to the extracts below by clicking on the play arrows. Read the full transcript. 

Extract 1

Sue talks about her mother’s background in Cornwall.

Extract 2

When her mother met her father (mobile phone sound at the start)

Extract 3

Although her mother never experienced any problems with racism in Exeter, her daughter did.

Extract 4

Mrs Hendy had seven children.

Extract 5

Burnthouse Lane in the 50s and 60s.

Extract 6

Ghee asks Sue “What do you think of Exeter?”

Extract 7

Sue reflects on her mother’s life