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Samoala Jackson Interview

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19th March 2021

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Exeter Community Stories

Samoala Jackson is from the island of Funafuti in Tuvalu, South Pacific. She married an Englishman and they lived and worked in many countries, setttling in Devon in the 1970s. They have three children.

Myra Fonceca and Ravi Nathwani interviewed her at her home in Exeter in January 2013. Read the full transcript.

Samoala is the chair of the Kiribati and Tuvalu Association. 

Extract 1

Samoala talks about her experience in Libya after the 1969 revolution, and her impression of Gaddafi

Extract 2

Samoala talks about her grandchildren and being in Exeter. Myra asks about her first impressions of the UK in November 1967. She talks about the weather, shops and food, and the first time she had breadfruit in England.

Extract 3

Other Pacific islander families in Devon & Cornwall, including people from the Gilbert Islands, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

Extract 4

Celebrations in Tuvalu and other Pacific islands, and Tuvalu during World War II